Who Runs This Blog?
This blog is to provide both me- Ashley, and hopefully you a space to be inspired! I'm constantly inspired by the designs, people, places, and the things I see, so this is a chance for me to express myself and share with you. I also have many designs and projects of my own that I would like to get out into the world. I love all kinds of fashion from all around the world, and believe everyone should stay true to themselves and their own sense of style- no matter how different! Currently, I am a twenty-three year old college senior majoring in fashion merchandising in Illinois. I have dreamed of being a designer since I was a little girl, and I was always walking around drawing garments. Now I've begun to turn my dream into a reality by learning all about the fashion industry and honing in on my skills at Illinois State University. It's been a crazy rollercoaster with ups and downs. I started college in apparel design even though I had no skills in sewing. I found the design classes extremely challenging, and kept growing frustrated and humilated as everyone else was so far ahead while I actually ended up disliking sewing/garment construction. Even in my junior year, I still wasn't getting it at all, unitl I took a fashion illustration course. Here I thrived finding my passion in fashion illustrating, and was doing what I always loved to do but becoming much more professional in drawing my designs! My career path is still unknown to me, but I was opened to so many more options and possibilites! Now I have begun to explore and find love in the areas of fashion illustration, styling, fashion history, and maybe even being a designer for Barbie! While my college years are coming to an end, I hope to use this blog as a tool to launch my future career!
Click on my name or artist/song title on the music player (to the right) to open my Soundcloud playlist for all tracks!

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