Ashley Recommends - April 2016 K-Music Releases Part 2
I'm back, and I'm really excited for this K-music post! ^0^ There are so many different genres in this recommendation list- from...

Ashley Recommends - April 2016 K-Music Releases
I'm back with another K-Music post! I was on a small hiatus because of end of the year projects/finals and graduation! :) But I'm back...

Ashley Collects - Fashion Reads Part 1
Reading has always been one of my favorite past times, and I usually have tons of books shoved in storage containers, on shelves (or milk...

Ashley's Favorites - Lip Products Part 2
I'm back with my remaining six favorite lip products! :) I've got lipsticks and lip stains for you! One of which I would say is my...

KPOPular Poster Quiz #2!
Who could this be? Try to guess poster by naming the artist/group and album! This is a poster taken straight from my room! :) Hints: -...

Ashley's Favorites - Lip Products Part 1
I'm starting a new series of posts! I will be going through all my fashion products: makeup, jewelry, clothes, shoes, hair accessories,...

Ashley Recommends - March 2016 K-Music Releases Part 2
I'm back for round 2 of my March recommendations! ^0^ I hope you find some new music to listen to and enjoy! We're leaving behind the...

Vacation Inspiration Pt. 3
During December of 2014 through January 2015, my family and I took a vacation to New Orleans, Louisiana- a place we haven't been before!...

Ashley Recommends - March 2016 K-Music Releases
I'm back for another round of K-Music recommendations! It feels like we were just here right? haha ;) Apologies for the February releases...

Princess Bounding Store!
If you remember/have seen my post on my CAD final project, I had to create and design for a brand. I created the brand called Princess...