Ashley Recommends - May 2016 K-Music Releases Part 2
I'm back with Part 2 for May! If you haven't seen my Part 1, check that out now! :) There's some big names here that don't disappoint, as well as some lesser known artists/groups that I'm so happy to have discovered! I realized that I accidentally left off Zick Jasper's (5Zic from M.I.B) release on my last post :( so here it is now! lol ^^ Let's get it started!
1. Zick Jasper ft. Geegooin - Primetime

Released: May 3, 2016
I had no idea when I added this to my list to watch that it was 5Zic from M.I.B until I started actually watching the video, and then I kept questioning myself if it was really him. Haha! There's no mistaking his deep, sexy rap voice and killer flow! Geegooin is so hot right now in the K-Hip Hop scene, so he was a perfect add. Also, I love how different their voices and rapping styles are- it sounds so cool! The video is actually pretty simple, just them rapping in neon lights, and then of course you have to add in a beautiful, dancing girl. lol The great flow and beat makes you bob your head and jam! I'm excited to see this new solo adventure for 5Zic, but I miss M.I.B! Comeback please! :(
Genre: Rap, Hip-Hop
Album: "Primetime" single
Company: CJ E&M
Music Video: Primetime
English Lyrics: Lyrics
2. Jessica ft. Fabolous - Fly

Released: May 17, 2016
I'm so happy she's continuing music, and that she's finally here with her solo debut! ^0^ I was also really excited to find that this track features the American rapper, Fabolous! He has a huge impact in my K-Pop story, so I've got a soft spot in my heart for him lol :) This track sounds very summery pop, but also has a chill, singer-songwriter hipster vibe. I love that she took part in composing and producing most of her album, including this song- girl's got talent! The video has such perfect aesthetically pleasing sets with beautiful colors, and also excellent fashion! The message of this song is wonderful- "Follow the sound of your beating heart. Close your eyes, and follow your dreams. You're a hero, you can fly." ^^ I hope in the future, she can have a U.S. debut, she would kill it! She's pure perfection! <3
Genre: Pop
Album: With Love, J
Company: Coridel Entertainment
Music Video: Fly
English Lyrics: Lyrics
3. B.I.G - Aphrodite

Released: May 17, 2016
Yes! B.I.G has improved so much since their debut and small hiatus! This track is so cool with the drum beats, and it has a great, catchy chorus. I loved their debut, but I hope now with this that they get more recognition, because it's fantastic! Both the vocals and the deep voiced raps are super impressive, so this a great K-Pop release! I loved the drum beat breakdown, but wished it would have lasted longer and showed the members dancing to it though. This seems like a darker, sexier concept, so I wish the video would have reflected that feel more..maybe with a story in the video? Still, it's a solid release!
Genre: Dance, Pop
Album: Aphrodite
Company: GH Entertainment
Music Video: Aphrodite
English Lyrics: Lyrics
4. Jessica - Love Me The Same

Released: May 18, 2016
Yes, another beautiful release from the talented Jessica! I love her summer, hipster-ish kind of concept! Her voice is so beautiful, I didn't realized how much I missed it (and her!) since she departed Girls' Generation. This is a really girly, romantic song that, in my opinion, has the same feel as an artist like IU. I could really see her crossing over and doing well in the U.S. with a singer-songwriter vibe. The music video is stunning and so well done. I love the movie screen scene- so cute! She's a true talent that deserves the spotlight and success! Also, I found out there is an English version of "Fly" with an official music video! Yay!! :)
Genre: Pop
Album: With Love, J
Company: Coridel Entertainment
Music Video: Love Me The Same
English Lyrics: Lyrics
5. Monsta X - 걸어 (All In)

Released: May 18, 2016
That dance beat though! Awesome! You can really feel their power and passion from their vocals and raps. This is a really catchy, excellent release! The video draws you in and is very intriguing. It's dark and hardcore with the story, and it gets to you out of nowhere with the "bromance" between the members lol and sad feels. The ending left you hanging, so I wonder if we will see this story continue and play out with other music video releases? Monsta X is another fantastic rookie group this year!
Genre: Dance
Album: The Clan Part.1 Lost
Company: Starship Entertainment
Music Video: All In
English Lyrics: Lyrics
6. Dieno x J.Heart (of N.Sonic) - Tell Me

Released: May 18, 2016
I've never really listened to N.Sonic, but after hearing J.Heart's voice, I need more! Also more of Dieno and his rapping! :) I love the beat, it sounds like it came from AOMG when they do their more pop-like songs! I love it! J.Heart's got a great R&B voice, so he should of course do a sexy, smooth R&B next..although I don't know if I could handle it! ;) The video was cute, but nothing really that special. The song though was on point! Check it out!
Genre: Pop, R&B
Album: "Tell Me" single
Company: C2K Entertainment
Music Video: Tell Me
English Lyrics: n/a, sorry I can't find them! :(
7. New-A - Soldier

Released: May 18, 2016
This track grew on me the longer I watched the video and listened to it! I love the mixed in dubstep and electronic music- it's something different! It's great to dance to, and the beat is on fire. I hope they stay around and release a more club, dance type of song, or something maybe more hardcore since they can rap! The video is pretty low budget, but this is their debut song and their from a small company, so that can't be blamed. While I like this song, I don't think it's for everyone, but I can definitely see their potential!
Genre: Dance
Album: "Soldier" debut single
Company: WEF Entertainment
Music Video: Soldier
English Lyrics: n/a, sorry I can't find them! :(
8. AFOS - Turn It Up

Released: May 19, 2016
Here is another song that is not for everyone, but one that I enjoy! lol :) It's a hardcore, rap track that if you just listen to it seems like straight K-Hip Hop, but in the video, you can see that they can really dance! They are like a K-pop boy group...but more...explicit I guess? Haha! I love the beat- makes you headbang and jump around dancing all crazy! :) However, they can also switch it up: check out their softer side with their May 20th release of "How're You Doing"!
Genre: Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop
Album: Young Boyz
Company: D Label, Loen Entertainment
Music Video: Turn It Up
English Lyrics: Lyrics
9. Road Boyz - Shake It, Shake It

Released: May 20, 2016
This is a great, upbeat and fun K-Pop song! I love the dance and all the fashion! The beat is so much fun, gets you tapping your foot, and before you know it, you're dancing along! :) I feel like this is a mix between BTS and VIXX's lighter concept songs. It's just a fun, easy listen that is enjoyable and entertaining. The video is entertaining as well, with all the members falling and chasing around this one girl lol it's pretty cute~ A commenter on Youtube said it perfectly: this song has an electro-swing vibe! I love that, and it fits the style of this track perfectly!
Genre: Dance, Pop, Electro-Swing? Haha!
Album: Shake It, Shake It
Company: Coconut Entertainment
Music Video: Shake It, Shake It
English Lyrics: n/a, sorry I can't find them! :(
10. Gary - 没关系 (Mei Guan Xi) (It's OK)

Released: May 23, 2016
This track is lit and is so strong, but still has a more chill vibe. Gary's raps are so powerful, and I love his deep, kind of raspy voice. Most of this song is in Chinese (like the title), so it's cool to see him challenging himself, and experimenting with his music- props! It may not be my favorite of Gary's releases, but it's still a quality release. The song has a great flow and a catchy hip-hop beat with a cool video. The video has really pretty, trendy neon lights that contrast perfectly with the dark, dirty, run-down sets- it's awesome! Gary's killin!
Genre: Rap, Hip-Hop
Album: (It's OK)
Company: Loen Entertainment, LeeSsang Company
Music Video: It's OK
English Lyrics: fan made video with English subtitles!
*edit- I guess this came out first on May 13th on the Chinese Youtube channel: iQIYI Music Official
11. Guckkasten - Challenge

Released: May 23, 2016
I thought the video for this track reminded me of a video game! lol It's the official summer theme song for the 2016 League of Legends Championship Korea (LCK)- wow! This song would definitely pump up the players, no doubt! It's such a powerful track with powerful, mind-blowing vocals. It's kind of funny though, because when I first saw the thumbnail for the video, I thought the lead singer was the famous MC and comedian Yoo Jaesuk (others were fooled as well lol)! The lead singer looks, for lack of better word, nerdy, so his voice doesn't match his face at all! lol It's awesome though, because his amazing voice is made all the more unexpected! His range is incredible, and he can really hit those long, powerful notes. His voice makes me think of J-Rock artists or Iron Maiden with his long, high notes. Favorite of the month!! Truly incredible and mind-blowing.
Genre: Rock
Album: "Challenge" single
Company: Loen Entertainment
Music Video: Challenge
English Lyrics: n/a, sorry I can't find them! :(
12. Jonghyun (of SHINee) - 좋아 (She Is)

Released: May 24, 2016
Oh, what can I say about Jonghyun and this release...only that he is my ultimate bias, and I fangirled hard. ;) I'm so excited and proud that he has released his first full solo album!! He really deserves this, he's an extremely hard, passionate worker that is incredibly talented in singing, composing, dancing, producing, and just all around being creative! *gushgush*
lol ^^; His individuality and true artistry shines through with this release that is a funky pop, retro R&B track. He's always so unique and true to himself with his solos, so I love seeing him create! I'm not really sure I understand the video though lol, but it's fun to watch and is definitely aesthetically pleasing! His voice- oh man, his high notes give me life! This was so perfect, how can this not be a favorite of the month! Go watch it already, both your ears and eyes will thank you! ^_~ <3
Genre: Pop, Dance, R&B
Album: She Is
Company: SM Entertainment
Music Video: She Is
English Lyrics: Lyrics
13. Map6 - 매력발산타임 (Swagger Time)

Released: May 24, 2016
"Swagger Time" may be a cringe-inducing, cheesy name, but this track is far from that! It's so fun and well done! The beat is on fire, and the dance is so cool. The track is a really catchy, fun K-Pop song. I love all the sets- the video in general is really well done. It's silly and fun, but their talent is shown off so well! I especially like that the fantastic rapping was a focus, and not just a verse here and there. It's such an enjoyable track and video!
Genre: Dance, Pop
Album: Charm Appeal Time
Company: DreamT Entertainment
Music Video: Swagger Time
English Lyrics: Lyrics
14. Park Kyung (of Block B) ft. Eunha (of GFriend) - 자격지심 (Inferiority Complex)

Released: May 25, 2016
Kyung is a really talented, creative rapper, which is well-known, but I was surprised and impressed at how well he can sing too! Kyung can definitely hold his own as a soloist! Eunha's sweet, cute voice contrasts with Kyung's so well, and she does a wonderful job as a featuring on this track. This is a perfect example of a way a rapper can translate rapping into a perfect, hit summer song! The video is so cute and funny! It really keeps your attention, and is entertaining to watch. From what I understand, Kyung and Eunha are dating in the video, but he doesn't feel like he's enough for her. He thinks she is looking for other guys, and will leave him. But, she reassures him that he's the only one for her, and that he's perfect the way he is! :) Fun fact: Kyung is both the producer and composer of this song! Woo!
Genre: Pop, Rap
Album: "Inferiority Complex" single
Company: Seven Seasons
Music Video: Inferiority Complex
English Lyrics: Lyrics
15. Spacecowboy ft. Paloalto - Grotesque

Released: May 25, 2016
Art! This is genius art! "Grotesque", or from what I've heard it is really translated to "Truly Love" (?), is so unique, experimental, and innovative. Paloalto is such a talented rapper who can really hold a song down on his own with just full raps, but Spacecowboy (him singing?) creates the vibe and completes this song with his cool electronic voice (makes me think of Daft Punk!). The video is so strange and artsy, but is still definitely beautiful and captivating. Although with Spacecowboy's white can be a little creepy at times..haha! They are pushing away from modern pop music, but being so creative and talented with these electronic, modern instruments, techniques, and sounds! Really cool find!
Genre: EDM, Rap, Dance (I don't even know how to explain the genre of this lol)
Album: "Grotesque" single
Company: Space Sound
Music Video: Grotesque
English Lyrics: n/a, sorry I can't find them! :(
16. Skull ft. Sizzla - Get Rich

Released: May 26, 2016
Wow! This was like nothing I've ever seen or heard before in Korean music! Only from Skull & HaHa, because their the best! :) The music is amazing, I love K-Reggae! But, I like how this mixes reggae with hip-hop and dance music- it's cool! What really stands out is that Skull sings/raps completely in the language of Patois! Whaaat? Patois is Jamaican Patois, or Jamaican Creole that is a language native to Jamaica, Panama, and Costa Rica. I'm so impressed and proud of Skull for doing this, because I mean, it must have been so difficult to read, sing, rap, and memorize lyrics in a different language, especially having to keep up with the beat and sing pretty fast. Sizzla is perfect on this track, and it's really cool to see Skull collab with a great reggae artist. When you read what the lyrics mean, it's very meaningful and inspirational, about not giving up and living your life right. The video was a little too much sexy girl dancers focusing on their breasts and butts, but overall I loved it! It's really something unique, and I'm going to listen to it all the time! Now, for another Skull & HaHa comeback please?! :) Favorite of the month!! Woo~
Genre: K-Reggae, Hip-Hop, Dance
Album: "Get Rich" single
Company: Quan Entertainment
Music Video: Get Rich
English Lyrics: Lyrics (in Patois), but on the official video there is a commenter who posted in English so it's easier to understand! :)
17. iKON - 오늘 모해 (What You Doing/#WYD)

Released: May 30, 2016
This video is so springy and romantic! It's refreshing (like the song itself) to see them take it down to something sweeter and softer again. :) This track is so sweet and happy, it puts a smile on your face right away! It's also perfect for a beautiful spring or summer day. I like seeing this side of them, and love that they are able to switch up their style so much. The video is just adorable- I want them all the be my boyfriends! Haha! ^_~ iKON will steal your heart and cheer you up with this comeback!
Genre: Pop
Album: "What You Doing" single
Company: YG Entertainment
Music Video: What You Doing
English Lyrics: Lyrics
18. XIA (Junsu of JYJ) ft. The Quiett and Automatic - Rock The World

Released: May 31, 2016
He's finally back! Yay!! I love his unique, sexy voice! He's so talented, and one of those that were just born to perform and be a singer! :) I love the elements of hip-hop, electronic, and dance music with maybe even a little bit of R&B. This song just feels so freeing in both the literal (mix of music) sense and the feeling it gives you. The Quiett is amazing of course, and I'm so glad he's featured here. I really hope people check out his own music after seeing this! ^^ The video is dark and sexy, but I'm not 100% sure what's happening in the story, there seems to be a lot of symbolism going The dance is awesome though, and XIA kills it in every aspect! I wish SM Entertainment didn't block him and JYJ in general on music shows, I would love to see this live!
Genre: Dance, a whole bunch of other influences lol
Album: Xignature
Company: C-JeS Entertainment, Warner Music Group
Music Video: Rock The World
English Lyrics: Lyrics
19. Fiestar - Apple Pie

Released: May 31, 2016
This track is really catchy, and just an all around solid K-Pop release. I love the parts with the heavier beats, as well as the flow of the chorus and rapping parts. It's a cool song with the way it's sung, I'm not sure how to explain it lol, like their intonation maybe..right word? lol I love all the colorful, cute sets, and all the different fun costumes! The ending is really hilarious and unexpected with a surprise cameo from a comedian!
Genre: Dance, Pop
Album: "Apple Pie" single
Company: Loen Entertainment
Music Video: Apple Pie
English Lyrics: Lyrics
20. Luna (of f(x) ) - Free Somebody

Released: May 31, 2016
First of all, with most other recent SM Ent.'s releases, as well as with this one, I love that SM is finally making more unique videos and songs! lol I just had to get that out, because their artists/group's song are really standing out to me recently! ;) I love this dance, EDM style- I can't help but dance (even now as I'm listening to it and typing this up lol)! I love this song, her voice is so powerful! She's beautiful and has so much talent. The ending especially with her longer, higher notes make me think of a young Whitney Houston! I'm also glad that SM is finally letting more
of their artists have solos- they are so many like Luna and Jonghyun that deserves solos I mean they have so much talent! The video has really cool and captivating effects, animation, and lighting. I really love the fashion too- she's wears Moschino!! Great dance release with powerful vocals!
Genre: Dance, EDM
Album: Free Somebody
Company: SM Entertainment
Music Video: Free Somebody
English Lyrics: Lyrics
21. Kisum - 맥주 두 잔 (2 Beer)

Released: May 31, 2016
I love seeing female rappers solo, and who can hold down a whole song rapping! She's got great style and flow with the way she raps, it's really pleasant to listen to. I feel that this song is really relatable (and so is she) as it talks about the uncertainty of the future, wanting success, nerves and anxiety, and worrying about failure. It's real and meaningful. I love the beat of the song with the horns, it's a really enjoyable listen! I find it fantastic that this song and video are so simple and she's just completely being herself- it's refreshing. Love!
Genre: Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop, maybe some Indie? lol
Album: 2 Beer
Company: MAPPS Entertainment
Music Video: 2 Beer
English Lyrics: Lyrics
Honorable Mentions:
1. Amber ft. Gen Neo - "On My Own" - impressive vocals, beautiful, emotional song (English Version on Amber's own channel!)
2. Nu.D - "Horizon" - amazing singer, high notes, chill relaxing vibe
3. MC Gree - "Nineteen" - deep, from the heart lyrics, rap song
4. Monika ft. Moos - "Goodbye" - unique, deep, sultry voice almost like Lee Hyori!
5. Heyne - "Love Cells" - her and her voice are so cute, very summery
6. Romeo - "Nightmare" - great K-Pop song, great beat, unique lyrics, cool dance
7. Sia - "Memory" - beautiful piano piece, close your eyes and listen wow!
8. Amber - "Need To Feel Needed" - all in English, funny and cool video
9. Lay - "Monodrama" - powerful, emotional song in Chinese
Which track and which music video are your favorites? Let me know in the comments section! Also, if you have a favorite release from a group this past month- who's your bias in that group? Was there a comeback you weren't expecting, or were really excited to see? Did I leave out your favorite release? Let me know what it is, and why it's your favorite! ^^ Let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section!
Thanks for reading! *currently listening to "'Jay Park ft. Okasian - You Know English Cover (19+)" - by Salv and JRE
xoxo~ Ashley