An Introduction to FEMM
I have wanted to do a post on FEMM for such a long time. I'm obsessed with their music, fashion, and image! As a FEMM Agent, I would like...

Ashley Recommends - May 2016 K-Music Releases Part 2
I'm back with Part 2 for May! If you haven't seen my Part 1, check that out now! :) There's some big names here that don't disappoint, as...

Ashley Collects - Fashion Reads Part 3
It's finally time to finish my fashion book collection posts! Like my last two posts (Part 1 and 2), I have a variety of types of fashion...

Ashley Recommends - May 2016 K-Music Releases
May has come and gone already! Can you believe it? It's time for another round of my K-Music recommendations, and I've got some great,...

Ashley Collects - Fashion Reads Part 2
I'm back with more of my fashion book collection! I've got everything from coffee books, fashion history, how to prepare for, build, and...

Analyzing K-Pop Idol Fashion Culture
Now that my college years are at an end, I have collected so many amazing, beneficial projects from many different courses. I love how...

Ashley Recommends - April 2016 K-Music Releases Part 2
I'm back, and I'm really excited for this K-music post! ^0^ There are so many different genres in this recommendation list- from...

Ashley Recommends - April 2016 K-Music Releases
I'm back with another K-Music post! I was on a small hiatus because of end of the year projects/finals and graduation! :) But I'm back...

Ashley Collects - Fashion Reads Part 1
Reading has always been one of my favorite past times, and I usually have tons of books shoved in storage containers, on shelves (or milk...

Ashley Recommends - March 2016 K-Music Releases Part 2
I'm back for round 2 of my March recommendations! ^0^ I hope you find some new music to listen to and enjoy! We're leaving behind the...