Ashley Recommends - April 2016 K-Music Releases
I'm back with another K-Music post! I was on a small hiatus because of end of the year projects/finals and graduation! :) But I'm back and here to discuss the tons of releases from April- there were SO many! My plan is to include 22 for this post, and then another 22 for Part 2. It's so hard for me to narrow down the releases, because I'm so easily entertained and like most music I I want to include all releases! LOL Hopefully this doesn't get too long! My first release is actually a release from March that wasn't on the Wikipedia article for 2016 in South Korean music, but it's Jay Park so I had to add it- I can't believe I missed it! Here we go!
1. Jay Park - 사실은 (The Truth Is)

Released: March 21, 2016
Jay's voice is so wonderful and smooth. He's really a true musician and works very hard. He's so talented in so many areas, and I love to see him try different things like this video, lyrics, and topic. *gushgushgush* lol ;) This video is so unique- it's like old school drawn animation..of a smoking dog. lol This track and video will definitely make you laugh, the lyrics are pretty funny at times! However, this track is full of emotion- anger, confusion, regret, and lots of sadness all centered around an ex. It's a really relatable song where the "dog" appears all cocky on the outside, but is really hurting on the inside. It seems very real, raw, and personal, which makes me so sad for Jay! So even though it's a funny, light take on a break up- it's got a deeper, heartbreaking meaning and undertones. :(
Genre: Rap/Hip-Hop, R&B
Album: "The Truth Is" single
Company: AOMG
Music Video: The Truth Is
English Lyrics: Lyrics (explicit)
2. Homme - 너 내게로 와라 (Just Come To Me)

Released: April 1, 2016
I have never heard of Homme before, so at first I thought the girls were the singers! Haha! This track has such a beautiful piano intro, and a really nice flow with the way they sing. The video is so cool to watch! It seems that they are shooting for a drama, and it shows behind the scenes and a blossoming romance between costars. I've never seen this concept- it's really unique! I'm so curious if the meaning/lyrics of the song go with the video. It's a really sweet, happy track! :)
Genre: Ballad
Album: "Just Come To Me" single
Company: Big Hit Entertainment
Music Video: Just Come To Me
English Lyrics: Lyrics
3. 10cm - 봄이 좋냐?? (What The Spring??)

Released: April 1, 2016
Right away the video is so aesthetically pleasing and intriguing with cool animation! The animation and story is based around The Little Prince! It definitely fits right in with the Spring season- all bright, clean pastel colors. What really caught my eye about this release is that the video is so bright and cute, but it's actually a sad song...but the lyrics are so blunt so it becomes funny at the same time. The singer is so talented, and his voice is so crisp! I really like how simple the song is, and that it's acoustic!
Genre: Folk, Indie, Ballad
Album: 3.2
Company: Magic Strawberry Sound
Music Video: What The Spring??
English Lyrics: Lyrics (explicit)
* I just found out that this was an April Fool's prank- hilarious! Check out this article to find out what I'm talking about! ^0^
4. CNBlue - 이렇게 예뻤나 (You're So Fine)

Released: April 4, 2016
It's always a breath of fresh air with CNBlue- I mean, the actually play instruments! :o lol It's a rare sight in K-pop... This track has a funky, vintage sound with big band horns, and the video also has a vintage vibe with its sets and kind of a vintage filter! The video is so cute! All the members of CNBlue fall for one girl, and their looks and reactions when the first see her is adorable! ^^ At the end though, the girl falls for and choose a specific member, who will it be? ;) This is a sweet, feel good Spring track!
Genre: Pop Rock
Album: Blueming
Company: FNC Entertainment
Music Video: You're So Fine
English Lyrics: Lyrics
5. Mamamoo - Woo Hoo (기대해도 좋은 날)

Released: April 4, 2016
Mamamoo is quickly rising to the top of my favorite K-pop girl groups! Their harmonies are really insane- they are so talented! I always feel like they have so much fun shooting videos, and this video is certainly no exception. They are so cute and funny! ^^ This video and track are for the LG G5 smartphone as the girls are the new models for LG. I love all the little details and props in the video- from phones with neon words to water guns, but I especially love the 3D glasses with 3D effects! I wonder if you put on 3D glasses, will Mamamoo be in 3D during that part? :o lol They stick with their great vintage vibe, but this song is more chill and sweeter. It's a simple video, but I could just sit and enjoy watching them goof off with each other- so cute! :)
Genre: Pop, Dance
Album: G5 & Friends OST
Company: Rainbow Bridge World
Music Video: Woo Hoo
English Lyrics: Lyrics
6. I.O.I - Crush

Released: April 5, 2016
This track has a great, dance beat! It's awesome to dance to, like club music! ^^ This is a group from the show Produce 101, so it's really cool to see an actual video from them! The video is pretty simple- recording room and dance studio, but it's so much fun watching them goof off and dance around in the studio. The chorus will definitely be stuck in my head! Of course the vocals and rap are awesome- they were picked for Produce 101 from different companies for a reason! :)
Genre: Dance, Pop
Album: "Crush" single
Company: YMC Entertainment, CJ E&M
Music Video: Crush
English Lyrics: Lyrics
7. Loco - 너도 (You Too) ft. Cha Cha Malone

Released: April 5, 2016
Team AOMG is life! They can do no wrong! ^0^ lol Loco is so cute and squishy, and I'm so excited to hear from Cha Cha! Okay, now that fangirling is out of the way, it's a slower track that is so heartfelt. At first I thought it was a kind of thank you to fans, but it's an uplifting, inspirational song to all who listen. Loco talks about how he made his dreams come true, and that you can too! It's okay to go through trials, have problems, and be nervous- just work hard and don't give up! :) The slow rap of Loco sounds so cool, and Cha Cha surprised me with an amazing mix and voice! AOMG has only released audio and a video teaser, so there is no official music video unfortunately. They have been on tour, so it's understandable, and the teaser actually shows Loco and the others performing on tour! I'm so jealous though, they were in Chicago like only 2 hours away from me...and I couldn't go see them. :'(
Genre: Rap/Hip-Hop
Album: "You Too" single
Company: AOMG, CJ E&M, Loen Entertainment
Music Video: n/a, but here is a fan uploaded audio
English Lyrics: Lyrics
8. LaBoum - 상상더하기 (Journey To Atlantis)

Released: April 6, 2016
This track and video are so cute! It's really the definition of K-pop, which is a good thing! lol It's got a really catchy chorus, and lots of powerful voices- I'm a new fan of LaBoum! ^^ I love all the sets in this video, and it's the perfect road trip adventure! There are plenty of close up shots of the girls doing all you fanboys will love this! ;) When I first saw the title, I thought it was going to be more of a fantasy concept, so I do wish it was more centered around fantasy and "Atlantis".
Genre: Pop, Dance
Album: Fresh Adventure
Company: NH Media, Nega Network
Music Video: Journey To Atlantis
English Lyrics: Lyrics
9. Chen (EXO) x Heize x Vibe - 썸타 (Lil' Something) (SM Station)

Released: April 8, 2016
These SM Stations are so amazing! I love Heize's rap featuring, go female rappers! ^^ Chen truly has an incredible, powerful voice, but it's cool to see him solo in a funky, groovy pop song instead of a ballad. It's funny that in the video he's not the star, but is just another worker behind the scenes- it's feels wrong haha! I love this video! The setting is behind the scenes at a fashion show, and Chen is like the stage director getting all the models out at the right times while Heize is a dresser. I love it so much probably because I'm a fashion major. ;) It's so cute the way Chen looks at, follows around, and tries to be noticed by Heize. She doesn't seem to notice his feelings at first, even though everyone else can- so cute!
Genre: Pop
Album: "Lil' Something" single
Company: SM Entertainment
Music Video: Lil' Something
English Lyrics: Lyrics
10. Woo Taewoon (Speed) - 내꺼 빼껴 (Copy Ma Lyrics) ft. Nafia

Released: April 8, 2016
Right away, I loved his kind of singing voice at the beginning, it's sounds so cool and raspy! You can definitely tell by their rapping style that Taewoon and Zico are related, I can see where Zico got his rap style maybe. :) I love that Taewoon isn't afraid to experiment with music and topics- this is very different from Speed's music. He's got so much swag, and he shows that he's not just another idol rapper. The sets of bright, intricate graffiti are really cool and fit in with the style of the track. My favorite part is the unexpected change in music at the end- go ahead and go hard Taewoon! WIN. YES.
Genre: Rap/Hip-Hop
Album: Copy Ma Lyrics
Company: MillionMarket
Music Video: Copy Ma Lyrics
English Lyrics: Can't find! There are English captions on the video! (explicit)
11. NCT U - 일곱 번째 감각 (The 7th Sense)

Released: April 9, 2016
This track and video are so sexy! I love the coloring of the red filter, and how it switches from that to contrasting, bright whites and neon blues! Taeyong's deep voiced rap gets me everytime- so sexy! Plus, the singing and raps are chill, and like effortless, "I don't care" sexy. ^^ This is an incredibly strong debut, and I'm really looking forward to more from NCT U, I hope they don't change up their sound too much yet! The ending was so cool how the music started to fade, and the unique dance slowed down. A++!
Genre: Dance
Album: "The 7th Sense" single
Company: SM Entertainment
Music Video: The 7th Sense
English Lyrics: Lyrics
12. J.Y. Park - Still Alive (살아있네)

Released: April 9, 2016
One of my favorites of the month! This track and video are so hilarious!! I was crying laughing the whole way through! He the CEO and founder of JYP Entertainment (I want him to be my CEO), but yet he makes fun of the industry, idols today, and even himself and his own groups in this track and video! It's just so light, fun, and catchy. I actually love how cocky he is, and I know a lot of K-pop fans make fun of him, but I think he's really cool! lol I think he's really innovative, talented, and a smart businessman. I super recommend this lol it's a great listen. And..omg the PANTS are BACK!! If you're a fan, you'll know! ;)
Genre: Dance, Pop
Album: Still Alive
Company: JYP Entertainment
Music Video: Still Alive
English Lyrics: Lyrics
13. J.Y. Park - Fire ft. Conan O'Brien, Steven Yeun, & Jimin Park

Released: April 10, 2016
Yes, this really happened haha! ^0^ Another hilarious and extremely catchy song from JYP! I hope he hits it big in the U.S. from this! :) I read up on this, and I guess it all started when Conan received a letter from a Korean fan who wrote to him on her SAT test form asking him to visit Korea! This video is hilarious, it's all about partying and being a K-pop star! There's K-pop star alcohol that makes you go crazy and turn into a K-pop star, the string dance, cameos from some JYP groups, and crazy effects! lol It's an all around great time and so much fun to listen to! I love seeing American celebrities and K-pop stars coming together, and I love that JYP sees the international opportunity to make K-pop history! :) Also, Steven Yeun is bae. <3
Genre: Dance
Album: Still Alive
Company: JYP Entertainment
Music Video: Fire
English Lyrics: Lyrics
14. NCT U - Without You

Released: April 10, 2016
Another track from NCT U and while I like the concept and track of "The 7th Sense" more, I'm still so impressed with this group! The vocalists really shine on this track, and man can they sing! I do think their debut stands out more as this is more typical, mainstream K-pop, but this group is solid- they are going to be huge! The video has a story, though I'm still trying to figure it all It's really artistic with it's sets and effects, and I'm wondering about symbolism. While it shows other members of the group in the video, it seems to only be a few that sing. I wish that all the members were shown and had close ups of who was singing every now and then..that and a rap part. As I said though, NCT U is going to take over K-pop!!
Genre: Dance, Pop
Album: "Without You" single
Company: SM Entertainment
Music Video: Without You
English Lyrics: Lyrics
15. Sam Kim - 눈치 (No Sense) ft. Crush

Released: April 10, 2016
Sam Kim had me right away with his raspy kind of scream to open the song, it was perfect. <3 His voice is then straight smooth and chill with great range- those high notes! When he gets more powerful with his voice (besides high notes), his voice gets a bit raspy again and I love it! The video is just him, Crush, and the band jamming together- so simple, but so fresh. Crush's featuring was perfect, he fit in so well with the genre. I love finding artists in other genres, so many hidden gems!
Genre: Jazz, R&B
Album: I Am Sam
Company: Antenna Music
Music Video: No Sense
English Lyrics: Lyrics
16. History - Queen

Released: April 11, 2016
Another favorite of the month- I'm so obsessed with this track! It's currently on repeat, I can't get enough! I fell in love instantly with the beat..think Jason Derulo's "Talk Dirty" sax or trumpet. The song and video are very sexy, especially the whispering kind of chorus- phew gets me every time! ;) I hope History becomes more popular, they deserve it! They are so talented and unique! I'm still confused about the story though lol They all had puzzle pieces that were connected on a throne, but why? lol This is probably my favorite comeback by History, but I will say that I wish they would change up and go back to their debut style- I loved their classiness! I just kind of wished they were like B.A.P (hip-hop, then cute) and switched up their style more between this and their debut "Dreamer". <3
Genre: Dance
Album: HIM
Company: Loen Entertainment
Music Video: Queen
English Lyrics: Lyrics
17. Block B - Toy

Released: April 11, 2016
Zico's deep rap at the beginning got me fangirling right away! ;) It's really cool to see this group evolve and grow musically. Toy is so different from their past releases, and it's cool to see them switch things up. I think it shows their strong range of talent! The video is so interesting, and they act out being "toys" so perfectly with their blank, bored, and sad stares. I'm going to have to analyze the lyrics, because it seems emotional and deep. A+!
Genre: R&B, Soul
Album: Blooming Period
Company: Seven Seasons
Music Video: Toy
English Lyrics: Lyrics
18. GOT7 - Home Run

Released: April 12, 2016
This is such a fun, happy, feel good song! It puts a big smile on your face! ^^ The dance is so goofy, but amazing- I would be so deadbeat tired after performing it! lol The track is so well done from the vocals, to the rap, to the mixing- perfect! Youngjae and JB's voices are on point, and I love that there's rap infused in the chorus! Unfortunately there's no official video yet, just official dance practices, but those are really fun to watch!
Genre: Pop, Dance
Album: "Home Run" single
Company: JYP Entertainment
Music Video: Dance practice, & the "Boyfriend Ver." dance practice (close ups!)
English Lyrics: Lyrics
19. Sleepy (Untouchable) - Body Lotion ft. Bang Yongguk (B.A.P)

Released: April 12, 2016
I'm so happy I found Sleepy! He can sing and rap really well- such a great, sexy voice! Yongguk's deep voiced rap is sexy as well of course- if you can't tell I love rappers with deep voices! ^_^ The video is really fun to watch with all it's cool effects, neon lights, and old video camera like effect..and maybe some innuendos..? ;) This track is sexy for sure, but it's also a great mix of R&B, hip-hop, and EDM club like beats!
Genre: R&B, Rap/Hip-Hop
Album: "Body Lotion" single
Company: TS Entertainment
Music Video: Body Lotion
English Lyrics: Lyrics
20. Minty - Already Go Lady

Released: April 14, 2016
Honestly, this track took a few listens before I decided to add it to my list of recommendations. It's a fun, catchy song, but I really like that it seems very girl power-y! :) Mint is from the now disbanded awesome group Tiny-G, and she can both rap and sing! ^^ The video is also really summery, like a big party, and the song is fun to dance to! I love all the outfits in the video, they are all so bold and cool! I do wish she would have went with a harder debut- like majority of the song in rap instead of mainly singing, but hey I still love it!
Genre: Dance, Pop
Album: "Already Go Lady" debut single
Company: JSL Company
Music Video: Already Go Lady
English Lyrics: Lyrics
21. Candle x Hanhae (Phantom) - 나도 알아 (I Know)

Released: April 14, 2016
I'm so in love with all artists/groups from Brand New Music, everything they put out is so impressive and high quality! I love Hanhae, he can do no wrong~ lol His raps always have on point flow and emotion! Candle's voice adds that smooth, sexy R&B feel, and he's so talented! Unfortunately, there's no official video, I wish there was! This track is all around perfection!
Genre: R&B, Rap/Hip-Hop
Album: "I Know" single
Company: Brand New Music
Music Video: n/a, but here is a fan uploaded audio
English Lyrics: n/a, sorry I can't find any! :(
22. XIA (Junsu) - How Can I Love You

Released: April 14, 2016
Usually I'm not really into ballad OSTs (Original Soundtracks), but Junsu's voice is so beautiful, and I'm a huge fan of his. :) Plus, this entire OST for the "Descendants of the Sun" drama has been spectacular! I recommend the entire album! ^^ When Junsu does a ballad, I always expect to be moved and brought to tears, and there's no exception here- his voice conveys such emotion and feels so heartfelt and full of warmth. This song is so beautiful, it gives you butterflies- no lie! I have yet to start this popular drama- I'm so behind on dramas lol but it looks so intriguing and like it's going to be a tearjerker! lol I've heard it's fantastic, so I can't wait to watch and hear how this song is connected! :)
Genre: Drama, Ballad
Album: "Descendants of the Sun" OST Part.10
Company: C-JeS Entertainment
Music Video: How Can I Love You
English Lyrics: Lyrics
Honorable Mentions: U Sungeun - 질투 (Jealousy) ft. Kisum
This brings part one to an end! Please look forward to part two in a couple days! ^^
Which track and which music video are your favorites? Let me know in the comments section! Also, if you have a favorite release from a group this past month- who's your bias in that group? Was there a comeback you weren't expecting, or were really excited to see? Did I leave out your favorite release? Let me know what it is, and why it's your favorite! ^^ Let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section!
Thanks for reading! *currently listening to "Summer Time" by Dynamic Duo
xoxo~ Ashley