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OOTD - Hyuna Boy Sweater

I love this Outfit of the Day (OOTD)! What I am wearing here is a replica of the sweater K-pop star, Kim Hyuna wore in her solo debut music video, “Bubble Pop”. It’s such a cute sweater that makes me think of the Boy London fashion labels! I should have taken a picture of the back, because it’s a high low sweater with a fun, short zipper detail on the middle of the collar, which you can unzip! This versatile sweater can be worn either like this, or off the shoulders because of it’s bagginess, and even a small detail like that can really style up an outfit! I purchased this sweater online from a K-pop specific store. If you search something like “K-pop Hyuna boy sweater” or “K-pop store Hyuna Bubble Pop sweater” on Google, I’m sure plenty of online stores will have them! As with all online shopping though, be sure that the site is trustworthy and legit before you buy, so you don’t get scammed! I also have on a body con skirt, which balances out the bagginess of the loose sweater. My cuff “love” earring I believe came from Rue21, and these types of earrings are one of my favorite kinds to wear because to me, they add an element of “cool chic” to any outfit. As for necklaces, the large key necklace is on a mid-length chain, and has a bit of a hip-hop feel; the year of the monkey necklace is on a short, almost choker-like fabric, and has the traits of those (like me!) born in the year of the monkey: clever, ambitious, quick-witted. I unfortunately do not remember where I purchased these necklaces, but I will find similar ones and put them below! One of my favorite parts of this outfit are my creeper shoes! I love that they have a cool hip-hop feel, and they give you height while still being casual! I believe these shoes came from either Amazon or Ebay, but if you buy creeper shoes from those sites, be sure to make sure you get the conversion right on your shoe size! Most of the time they come from overseas, so there will be European and Chinese sizes among others, but most also show a chart that converts to US shoe sizes as well. I have also heard that with shoes from overseas, it’s not a bad idea to go up one size rather than what you normally wear (the same goes for clothes), because they have different sizing. Unfortunately with a lot of the overseas shoes, most of the time they only go up to US size 8, so it can be hard to find US size 9 and up. Be sure to check all sellers! What do you think about my OOTD? How would you wear the sweater, skirt, or shoes? Let me know in the comment section!

Similar items of this OOTD:

Hyuna “Bubble Pop” Sweater: MissZenn (I think this is actually where I purchased mine from)

Priced at $25, comes in red, black, or grey, great replica and condition

Black Body Con Skirt: Forever21

Priced at $4.80, comes in many colors, cheap!

Love Cuff Earring: Ebay

Priced at $9.97 (shipping added), choose between left or right ear

Large Key Necklace: Amazon

Priced at $8.40 (shipping added), 24” chain, provides tracking number

Year of the Monkey Necklace: N/A – I’m really sorry I couldn’t find anything similar for a low price!! L Let me know in the comments or shoot me a message if you find one similar!

Creeper Shoes: Ebay

Priced at $35.99 (free shipping), sizes up to US 9, there were others that were cheaper, but they were sold out of the red hearts pair so check ebay often if you don’t want to pay this price!

Thanks for reading!

xoxo~ Ashley

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Ashley Legel


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