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Uptown Normal, IL- North Street Records Pt. 2

This is another fun display from North Street Records that is also packed with interesting trinkets and items! Again, the font gets in the way of seeing the neat display, and it could be smaller and placed at either the top or the bottom of the window. I love all that they put into their displays, there is record players, posters, action figures, coffee mugs, and records from different music groups making it not only eye-catching, but there is a band in the display for every rock loving fan out there! It's a great idea that they also add in movement in their display. During the day, the action figures on the record players spin around the player making passerbys stop and laugh! The displays are very colorful, and make the store seem like a cool, fun place to shop around in! Great job North Street Records!

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Central Illinois, United States

© Beauty in Everything

Ashley Legel


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