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Eastland Mall Bloomington, IL - Aeropostle

This week, I took photos at the Eastland Mall in Bloomington, IL! I like that this window had a very narrowed down, and clever theme of back to school. While there are no mannequins or products in the window, the middle sign caught my eye right away. I thought their title "Haul Pass" was cute and clever! Playing off of words, Aeropostle uses the back to school theme- hall pass, and switches it with haul pass, as in a shopping trip haul of buying lots of their products! However, I do think it's a little late for Aeropostle to still have this window up. The ever important merchandising event of back to school is far over, and they should really update their window with maybe some upcoming fall trends or transitioning from summer weather to fall weather. The window itself though is very simple and well organized, but it feels a little boring in my opinion. The rhythm of the window works well because of the grid pattern, so your eye (for me at least) is first drawn to the middle "Haul Pass" sign, travels to the other posters top to bottom, and finishes at the front sign informing potential customers of a sale...but it still falls flat for me. Their proportion is not bad, but they could have played with it more instead of having the signs in a grid all the way from the top to bottom of the window. I think some asymmetry or placing different sized posters, products, or mannequins farther away and closer to the window would make it stand out more; create a cooler proportion and balance! Speaking of that, I think while this is a very clean, simple window, the posters so far back make the front feel a little bare. Overall though, I like the poster's pictures of the different poses, but it might have been better with different models (and maybe some guys, so they feel the love too! ^_^ ). While I love the theme of this window, it's a bit out of date for the ever fast moving fashion industry, and it's a bit boring to look at.

xoxo~ Ashley

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Central Illinois, United States

© Beauty in Everything

Ashley Legel


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