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Downtown Bloomington, IL - Burpo's Boutique

What first caught my eye in Burpo's Boutiques two windows were the clothes, I loved the styles they chose to include! I have never been in Burpo's Boutique, but after seeing these windows and their styles, I must make a trip to go shopping at this store! This is the point of window displays, right? So great job to Burpo's Boutique- you got yourself a new customer! :) Now onto to the technical analysis. These are very small windows and in the second window I think they made a good choice in terms of proportion. By hanging the garments from the bar at the top, they brought height to the window, and left more room for other items at the bottom. I wish they would have done this with the rest of the garments- especially in the first window. I think that having the half dress forms sitting on the bottom of the display with all their accessories, brings all the visual weight down, and brings more attention to the clutterness feel of the first window. This brings me to balance. The first window does not have equality in visual weight even with the dress forms being taller than the displays for the accessories. There should not be that much on the bottom table. There is also too much going on in the first window- too many accessories and different forms to display them on everywhere! I like the second window much better. There is just the neck forms on the bottom table, and there is not as many displayed. You can actually see everything compared to both the accessories and garments in the first window. This leads to the fact that the first window does not allow one's eye to travel smoothly and clearly throughout the window, making for unsuccessful rhythm. It seems that they just took whatever forms they had lying around and threw them all in the window at once. Overall, while I liked the style of the clothes, these windows were not particularly the best when it comes to the principles of design for displays- especially the messy first window.

xoxo~ Ashley

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