College Hills Mall Bloomington, IL - Bath & Body Works

Ah Bath & Body Works... :) I always feel like this store is so bright, colorful, and decorated! While this isn't a clothing store window, I wanted to include it on my "rainy adventure" to College Hills this week, because it was honestly one of the more colorful, pretty windows I saw! They may be a little early on the season, but I think the snowflake window stickers are festive, but not too cheesy or overdone. They give the window a fun, but still a bit elegant feel. Also, I feel like a lot of people now associate these colors and snowflakes with the hugely popular Frozen's you can't go wrong there! Because the poster has the snowflakes as well, it's almost like the snowflake stickers are blasting right out of the poster, which is a cool, eye-catching effect. I really commerate them for adding in the lights around the window and keeping them all lit, it's got to be tough to upkeep that! That takes the window up a notch, and looks beautiful- a great detail! The window is pretty tall and skinny, so I think it was a good choice proportionally to have a poster that is the same. If it was horizontally or too short, it would stunt the window or get swallowed up by the window's size. With the products, I always like when windows have displays that vary in heights, and with this one they also changed the colors of the bases which was nice. I think they have a great color story that stays consistent throughout the whole window. The products are small, but they lifted them up on the pedestals, and frame them nicely with the snowflakes. The window has a lot of punch with decorations and colors, but nothing gets covered up or blocked, so everything is working in unity together- not shadowing anything else in the window. Overall, this window gets me in the mood for the upcoming winter season (that I can't wait for!), and I think it has great personality and flair!
xoxo~ Ashley