College Hills Mall Bloomington, IL - Lane Bryant

This window caught my eye right away because of the contrasting colors of pink and black, and for the fact that I knew straight away that this window was promoting the fight against breast cancer. I think this is a great approach and strategy (and cause!) that Lane Bryant took. This window has so many meanings from great style, a worthwhile cause, giving women confidence and strength, and promotes a good image for the company. The window has a poster that says "Shop fashion that gives back", this is a great way to bring in customers. People will see this window, note that the company is taking steps to help fight breast cancer, will most likely think highly of the store, and might even choose to shop there because it would make them feel good that their purchases are helping a charity. I like that this window has and equal balance of two dress forms with products, and then two posters in between- it's not overcrowded. One of my pet peeves with display windows is when products, decorations, props, poster- anything is covered up or hard to see, so this window displays everything clearly and cleanly! Tt's also great to see the poster and have a dress form with the same ensemble on as well. I think it helps connect the viewer, let them see the ensemble in "real life", and makes them think, "Wow that person looks great in that outfit and look what they're doing, if I buy this, I will look like that!" Especially with this window, it gives women such strength to see this strong, healthy woman kickboxing that kicks butt! :) My eyes were first drawn to the posters in the middle, but then they travel smoothly to the products, so my mind will remember the last thing I focus on- the products. That's some effective rythm. I really like this window, mainly because it's a good example of a company promoting it's values and showing their customers or potential customers that they care.
xoxo~ Ashley