College Hills Mall Bloomington, IL - White House Black Market

There are some great styles, trends, and clothing shown here in this White House Black Market window. However, I was a bit disappointed in this window. While Dress Barn executed the display with open backdrop to the store, I feel that White House Black Market didn't do as well. I think there are too many dress forms with products to be a display with an open background to store activity. With proportion, I would have liked to have seen a poster hanging from the top, I think there's too much open space. Although, I do like their balance and rythm with the dress froms alone. The balance works well as they are lined up to be seen clearly, but they are also lined up where the ones in front are closer to the window, and the ones behind are farther away. I think this is a better way to display a lot of products, it creates a bit more visual interest than just all in a straight line. I like how the last dress form on the left is angled away from the ones in the middle, I don't know if it accidently got turned, but I wish they would have repeated that on the other side to create more interest. Overall this window is lacking, and is not that interesting. White House Black Market is so elegant and upscale, that I feel they could have done better.
xoxo~ Ashley