College Hills Normal, IL - Francesca's Pt. 2

This is the second window I photographed at Francesca's boutique. It seems that the previous window I made a post about stays pretty much the same, while this one changes with trends and seasons. Right away the message is clearly translated, one can tell it is a fall window just by taking a glance with the leaves on the window, the color scheme, and the trends on the forms. My first thought when I came upon this window was that it was cute, but unfortunately forgettable. I think the leaves are placed nicely by pointing in all different directions, but I would have liked to see them all around the window, not just around the forms. They just kind of end randomly, and leave blank space in the top left corner and up above the top panes. To me, this throws off the balance a bit, especially at the very top of the's so empty! Even a space as small as that could use some decoration to tie it into the rest of the window! What could have helped, would be to move the mirror up a bit to right underneath the top horizontal panes. It seems the mirror would be too big to put all the way at the top in that little space, so some extra small decorations (like the leaves) would also be a nice touch. Once again, Francesca's plays it safe by keeping the dress forms all at the same height in a straight line, which is both good and bad in my opinion. It's safe because it's guaranteed to create a rhythm that works, but it's one of the reasons the window is forgettable. It is to be noted though, that they again don't have any forms block by the middle window pane, so thank you! :) All the products are on trend with the fall season- chunky sweaters and cardigans, scarves, fur and knit vests, and sweater dresses. This makes for a nice emphasis on the products, they are the focus of the window so it that regard, it is a well executed immediate action window! Something I feel should really be within their display, maybe the biggest issue and critique, is signage!! I can understand not having any in their smaller window, as there isn't a lot of free space, and the majority is taken up by the shopping rack. However, there really should be some kind of signage in this bigger window. A catchy title would be excellent or maybe they are having a sale- let people know that! Signage is extremely important, and could have been easily placed at the top of the window, or one of the blank spaces not taken up by the leaves! While the trends are spot on with the season, they window does not keep up with the products.
xoxo~ Ashley