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Eastland Mall Bloomington, IL - Bath & Body Works

Here is another window from Bath & Body Works! This window is at Eastland Mall, and they have kept in time with the current season unlike the window at College Hills. This window is so eye-catching because Bath & Body Works used fall leaves as decorations, but they used them in such a unique way. The leaves are blown up to be large at the top of the window and within the signage. Then, there is a podium with a graphic of numerous leaves that makes for an interesting pattern. I love the way this store took a fall season staple that could have been basic, and turned it into something original! The "Jump Into Fall" signage is well placed against the decorations as well. The title is easy to see, catchy, and is consist with the leaf decorations. This title with the colorful decorations around it, are the emphasis of this window. My eye goes straight to the title because of the contrast between the bright colors of the leaves and the stark white title. It is also drawn to that center point because the decorations here are large and lit up. Although, the sign of the store name is a little hard to see when it is in front of the large poster, I believe that this sign cannot be moved (or at least it's extremely difficult) so it's understandable. The title sign as the focal point of this window does a great job to create rhythm, it completely covers the top half of the window so one's eye has no choice but to move down to the products. The products are all lifted onto shelves and podiums, so they are easy to see even though they are small. Something I noticed that I really liked on the bottom half of the window is that Bath & Body Works did an excellent job organizing all the products, and have upkept that. Bravo! Balance was also well done in this window. Even though the sides are bare, this window is tall and skinny so I believe that with the size of the poster and decorations, the window would seem too overcrowded if it stretched all those decorations stretched all the way across the window. Overall, I love how bright and festive this window is for fall, and that they used a somewhat overused fall decoration and turned it into something unique!

xoxo~ Ashley

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