College Hills Bloomington, IL - The Loft

I love the products in Loft's window, they are simple but will make anyone look easily fashionable! The window itself is also very simple, which I think makes for a clean, crisp looking window. Of course keeping it simple is always a plus, but I think the window could benefit from some small decoration like small lights or a small pattern/graphic on the backdrop. For me, it's distracting to have one of the mannequins blocked by the window pane, so I think they should have worked around that. For design principles, I think the differing heights between the mannequins and the backdrop is good for proportion. Not having products or props on the sides of the window, makes the window appear leaner and taller instead of stunted and wider. However, this is where some small lights at the top of the window would complete the blank space above. The rhythm works, but is a bit boring with the mannequins just lined up straight. My eyes are first drawn to the blue backdrop and the mannequin there, so the middle is the focal point/emphasis. Then, my eyes move out to the other mannequins on either side. One big disadvantage of this window is that there is no signage. Signage brings in more customers and can bring more sales. There should be some kind of signage in a window display- a sale, a creative title, trend, or even the name of the store.
xoxo~ Ashley