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Eastland Mall Bloomington, IL - Maurice's

I love that this window is so festive and it gets across the holiday feel, without using the traditional colors or decorations! A detail that I like are the fact that the mannequins are all different heights to give an interesting proportion with the window and the taller poster. This also creates an asymmetrical balance that is appealing to the eye. I also really like the signage, it's so cute and clever! The "Give in style" sign lets customers know that Maurice's has the latest trends that many would like to receive, and goes perfectly with the holiday season of giving! While I love many things in this window, I can't ignore one major disadvantage that takes over all the pros. I am so distracted by the lights in this display.The spotlights hang down so low that they cover and distract from the poster, backdrop, and the tallest mannequin on the pedestal. The emphasis to me in this window is the center. My eyes went straight to the hanging gold stars and in turn, the poster. However, then I see the lights and become so distracted by them that I can't focus on the rest of the display. If I was just passing by this window, I would not be able to see all the good details and design principles shown, which is a shame. Simply change the height of the lights, and this window would be wonderful!

xoxo~ Ashley

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Central Illinois, United States

© Beauty in Everything

Ashley Legel


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