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Styling With Glamstorm!

As you know from my Genderbent Disney Princes post, I loved Looklet and was really upset when they stopped their free services. When I found out, I searched all over for "sites like looklet" or "free online styling sites". Well, a couple years ago, I finally came across a styling site that is pretty similar to Looklet! ^0^ I introduce to you, Glamstorm! Glamstorm is a virtual stylist that allows the user to experiment with their personal style, and to aid their buying decisions. Founded and located in Poland, Glamstorm is a project from Brainstorm Ltd. that is co-finaced by the European Union under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme for the creation of new internet services! Obviously, I love that they are free, but they also have so much more than just virtual styling in a fitting room type setup. They have fashion competitions between users from user votes, design & buy your own dress, quizzes on many topics of fashion, games like matching, a kind of designer hangman game, and puzzles! It's just a really fun website and community!

(I could only find a picture in a different language, but don't worry if you go to the link, it will be in English! ^^ )

Glamstorm is not stopping there though! They are currently developing some other innovative features like virtual makeup and hair styling, premium options for paying members (a paid membership will be offered in the future), and creating your own virtual model by inputing your measurements and uploading a picture of your face! I cannot wait for that last one! :) This is a really great website for amateur stylists as it's practice and something to put into your portfolio, but overall, it's a great website for really anyone interested in having fun with fashion and having a creative outlet for that! To be honest, once I got busy with moving to college and starting my classes, I kind of forgot about this I wanted to share with you the look I created, but know that there will be plenty more in the very near future for me to share with you! ^_^ In the meantime, after reading this post, go check out Glamstorm and start your creative adventure with virtual styling!

Here is my first Glamstorm styled outfit! When I created it, I titled it "HipHopster" lol ^_^' I guess it was because the outfit is a bit of a mix between hip hop (hoodie, shoes) and hipster (shorts).. lol :)

I love that it shows you the designer names, and you can even choose your model's body type! I want that hoodie so bad though.. lol ;)

What do you think of this look styled by me? What is your personal style? Have you tried Glamstorm? If you have or have now from reading this post, share some of your creations- I would love to see them! Leave me your comments and thoughts in the comments!

Thanks for reading!

xoxo~ Ashley

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Central Illinois, United States

© Beauty in Everything

Ashley Legel


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