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Ashley's Favorites - Lip Products Part 1

I'm starting a new series of posts! I will be going through all my fashion products: makeup, jewelry, clothes, shoes, hair accessories, and beauty products to decide my favorites! Here I'll just show you pictures, talk about the products, why they're my favorites, and let you know where you can purchase them! :)

Today, I'm discussing my favorite lip products, so my lipsticks, lip glosses, and lip balms. I found out that I have around 43 lip products! Whoa! lol and actually probably even more lost somewhere in purses, in furniture, or who else knows where... ;) I have narrowed it down to my top 12 favorites..I couldn't make 10! Haha ^_^ I have decided to split this post into two parts, so Part 2 will be coming soon! Be on the look out! ^^

These are in no particular order:

1. Maybelline New York's Baby Lips in Oh! Orange! (#85) Lip Balm

The first lip product is a simple, subtle lip balm. I love the Baby Lips line, they make your lips so smooth, while also giving a light application of color! I throw this product on all the time, and sometimes even use it as a cute orange blush! ^^ See these photos of British-Korean singer Shannon here and here to see where I first got this inspiration. It feels so nice when you put on this lip balm- it goes on so smooth! You'll find yourself rubbing your lips together often to keep feeling that smoothness. I carry it around in my bag to apply when needed, but I also use different colors to make my lips nice and soft before applying a heavier lipstick, especially one that tends to dry out my lips. This lip balm won't seep into fine lines, and it isn't waxy or sticky! The Oh! Orange! color is so vibrant in the tube, but when applied, it has a light coral orange color that I love!

It's a bit hard to see here, the color was difficult to capture, but it's a soft orange color that's unique while still being cute and subtle! The balm is creamy, so it also gives a bit of a shine! You can also make the color more vibrant if you apply more coats of the balm. However, this tint might not show up on darker or more pigmented lips. The product stays on your lips for a few hours before you have to reapply, but I guess Maybelline claims that the moisturizing lip balm stays on for eight hours..hmm.. Even so, reapplying after a few hours isn't so bad, as it's a very pleasant application! :) Very easy and moisturizing product!

Buy this product: Maybelline's website ($3.99) and Amazon ($4.44)

2. Maybelline New York's Baby Lips in Yummy Plummy (#90) Lip Balm

Yes, another Baby Lips product! :) I use both the Oh! Orange! and Yummy Plummy Baby Lips lip balms the most, so I wanted to include this one too. This tint matches my lips more, so I use this when I really just want a basic, moisturizing balm. It makes my lips a bit darker, depending on how much I apply, but again it's a really subtle color. I think this tint would show up even less on darker or high pigmented lips, but hey it's still a nice, hydrating lip balm! I tried really hard to capture the color, but ehh again it didn't work too well. It is really similar to my actual lip color, just a shade or two darker. It's like mauve-brown color.

As it's the same company and produce line as my #1, my review is pretty much the same. The balm is pleasant to apply, very smooth and moisturizing, easy to use, gives a gleam to lips, and isn't greasy! Again, the balm will really only last a few hours. I do feel like this one has a more fruity scent and a faint berry taste! It makes me wish the Baby Lips were actually flavored and fruit scented- now that would be yummy! ^_~ This certain Yummy Plummy color is actually a limited edition product from Baby Lips, so it will be harder to find. I have read though that drugstores still stock them every now and then!

Buy this product: Amazon ($5.99) and Sears Marketplace's website ($8.75)

3. Liplicious' Be Enchanted Frosted Raspberry Lip Gloss

Okay, first of all, this product is super old. I purchased this at a Bath & Body Works store, and I don't ever shop there so it's probably years old! This is also specifically a Bath & Body Works lip gloss, so it might be hard to find as well since they change up their products pretty often with the season (only a few are staples if I understand right lol). I generally don't wear lip gloss too much (mainly balm and lipstick), but I love this product because it has glitter! It's not too much though, the gloss is clear with maybe a light pink tint when really applied, so the glitter is subtler. I applied more product for the picture, so you can see the light pink color. Can you see the glitter? ^0^

It's a nice gloss on it's own, but I really use it more often worn over lipsticks. I love to apply it over a matte lipstick to give some shine and sparkle! It's a really easy application, as it's in a squeeze tube, so you don't have to really wipe it hard across your lips. What I do when applying it over lipstick is squeeze out a small amount of product just so it comes out of the tube (very little, right on top), and then use my finger to gently dab it all over my lips. This way I won't smear my lipstick, or faint my lipstick's color! However, if you put on a heavy coat of this gloss, it does become sticky, which is another reason why I only do a light coat! The scent is really nice, you can definitely tell it's raspberry! :)

Buy this product: No longer in stock at Bath & Body Works, and the only place I could find is Shop Savvy's website ($15.00), but I have never used this site so I can't tell you if it's trustworthy!!

4. Hard Candy's Mouthing Off in Gossip (#213)

I feel like the brand Hard Candy is either a hit or miss. I really love this lip gloss, but will never buy another nail polish from them again. lol Their packaging is always so cute though! ^_^ This gloss gives your lips shine, and makes them feel very smooth. Why I included this product in my favorites though is because the color gives my lips an early 2000s frosted pink gloss look! Ah, makes me think of being a pre-teen again. Haha and besides, old trends come back into fashion again right? ;)

"Whatever major loser!" Haha for some reason this gloss makes me think of Disney's Lizzie McGuire's popular mean girl Kate Sanders! :p Also Britney Spears, Mandy Moore, roll on body glitter, butterfly hair clips...yeah the good old days. ;) This gloss smells pretty nice, but nothing really specific, or maybe I just can't think of what the scent is..but it's nothing fruity or anything! lol However, it can get a bit sticky if applied to much, so it's best to only put on a few layers, just enough to get that pink frosted look. I'm totally bringing frosted lips back into trend! ^_~

Buy this product: No longer available from Hard Candy, but here is Amazon ($4.95) and an Ebay ($7.98) sale (check Ebay and Amazon often, as sales end and new ones begin!)

5. L'Oreal Paris' Colour Riche in Cinnamon Toast (#839) Lipstick

I don't care if it's no longer colder weather, I am still obsessed with dark lipstick! :) Recently, probably one of my most used lipsticks is Cinnamon Toast. They color is so rich (like the product line states duh Ashley), and I love the dark brown-red color! Any kind of brown lipstick is definitely a recent fave of mine! The lipstick is so creamy and doesn't dry out your lips, but makes them so soft! Also, the packaging is super elegant and sleek. What I love about this certain color is that depending on how much you apply, you can get a more subtle, natural almost dark nude color, or when applied more heavily, a really chic stand out deep brown-red!

Here I applied the lipstick more heavily, and it's actually got more of a brown tint in person. But look how rich that color is!! ^0^ Your lips are moisturized and the color stays pretty well with probably 2-3 applications during the day. Here is another picture of the product on skin from Makeup And Beauty blog and their review! I have learned from here that this product line actually has anti-aging ingredients, as well as Vitamin E (for moisture retention), Argan oil, and Omega 3! I really love the Colour Riche series!

Buy this product: Wal-Mart's website ($5.69), CVS' website ($8.99), Drugstore's website ($8.95), and Amazon ($5.69)

6. L'Oreal Paris' Colour Riche in Ginger Spice (#815) Lipstick

Another fabulous Colour Riche lipstick! This is Ginger Spice, and it's a brown color, that again, gives a nice shade in both light and heavy application! I love that because this lipstick is so moisturizing, it gives your lips some shine, and makes them feel so smooth. While this is still a darker brown color, it's subtler than Cinnamon Toast, so if you aren't feeling too adventurous with deep, dark color, than try this out! :)

I did, I guess, a medium application? lol It's not super dark, but the color looks so cool! It's like an orangey brown that looks great with a lot of different outfits! Actually, I think you can still see some glitter on my lips from when I had on the Frosted Raspberry lip gloss. Haha! Anyways, this lipstick (as with Cinnamon Toast) make your lips look so supple, and application is really easy- it doesn't feather out or bleed! You feel very sexy and kissable when wearing this lipstick- seriously! :) I wear these Colour Riche lipsticks all the time!

Buy this product: Wal-Mart's website ($5.69), L'Oreal Paris' website ($8.95) (so many colors- I want more!!), Drugstore's website ($8.95), and Amazon ($5.67)

Which is your favorite product or color? What is your favorite lip product that you swear by? Have you tried any of my favorites? What would you wear with these lip products? Let me know all your thoughts, comments, opinions, and experiences in the comments section below!

Thanks for reading! *currently listening to: "Bom Digga Woo" by Jhameel

xoxo~ Ashley

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Ashley Legel


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