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Ashley's Favorites - Lip Products Part 2

I'm back with my remaining six favorite lip products! :) I've got lipsticks and lip stains for you! One of which I would say is my favorite of all favorites lol, and one that actually holds a lot of meaning personally! ^^

1. Revlon's Colorburst Lip Butter in Gumdrop (#060) Lipstick

This lipstick is so unique and fun! How cool is a lilac/lavender lipstick?! I don't know if this is the "butter part" coming into play, but when this lipstick is applied, it feels so smooth like you're just wearing some lip balm! It's very light, and not cakey or like BAM I can feel I have lipstick on! lol :) It's super creamy and gives a nice sheen to your lips as well. The staying power isn't the best, but it's such a unique color! I would say depending on your skin tone and how pigmented your lips are, this could come out a bit more sheer pinkish. It's a pretty light color of purple on me, and I wish the lavender color would pop more, instead of being more muted and sheer. The color in the tube though is beautiful! lol it just isn't that bright color on my lips...but it's still pretty~ ^^

I put A LOT of layers on my lips for this picture, so that is why this color is so bold. Most of the time though, it's pretty light- you can see an example of how it normally looks on me here. It is great though when you want a softer look, and for those that might be too scared to go full on bright lilac! lol :) The main problem with this lipstick is that throughout the day (whenever your lips come together basically) the color becomes uneven. The inside of your lips where they touch will lose color much more quickly than the rest. I love this product because it's so feminine and romantic, and a trendy look that is wearable!

Buy this product: Revlon discontinued this color :( but you can find it on Amazon ($9.87), and a similar color by NYX on Ulta's website ($5.99). Also, keep checking your local drugstores and discount retailers, they might still have some in stock!

2. Milani's Color Statement in High Voltage (#04) Lipstick

Every gal needs a classic redder than red lipstick! High Voltage is so bold and I love wearing this statement making lipstick! Milani isn't a well known brand (at least not to me), and I think I actually got this either at a Halloween store or at Wal-Mart or something for a Halloween costume. lol I'm thinking it's not the best quality brand, but I still love this color! :) I have read that it is comparable to MAC though (so I may be wrong about quality lol), which is nice for a cheaper alternative. The lipstick is very creamy, but after long wear I have found that it can dry out your lips. Something unique about this lipstick is actually the scent- it smells like..candy or melon..maybe? I don't know, but it's definitely got a strong scent that some seem to like and others not so much, but it doesn't bother me! :) I'm just so obsessed with this knockout red color that I've read looks great on any skin tone!

This color is just so sexy and seductive, but classy! I love it! The color actually lasts pretty long and even leaves a very light red stain, which is nice...but it also tends to get everywhere lol you'll definitely have a heavy lipstick mark on your glass or coffee cup! lol The color is so pigmented, and it actually does give your lips some shine even though it's matte! This is such great drugstore lipstick with a great price!!

Buy this product: I'm thinking this might also be discontinued unfortunately, but here is Milani's website ($5.99) with more of their Color Statement collection! Find High Voltage still at Wal-Mart's website ($4.72, but currently out of stock), and Amazon ($6.00, but very limited stock!)

3. Rimmel London's Moisture Renew in Latino (#240) Lipstick

First of all this packaging is beautiful! It's a real shiny, metallic purple, and I love the embedded crown on top- so cool! This is actually the lipstick that means so much more to me than your average lipstick. This product didn't start out as mine, in fact it was my grandma's favorite lipstick (the only one I ever saw her in). When she passed away, we were cleaning out her things at my grandpa's house and I took this lipstick along with some other things. So now whenever I see/wear this I always think of her, and the lipstick also has a distinct, almost fragrance/lotion smell that I have always associated with my grandma! I really treasure this lipstick! :) Anyways, it's got a beautiful muted pink color with a shimmery, metallic, pearly finish! I love that pearly finish! ^_^

For some reason, it came out really really pink lol so here is a much better example of what this color would look like on my lips. lol I love that this color works with any outfit, and it's a basic color that works for wear everyday! :) As the name says, this lipstick is very moisturizing and doesn't dry out your lips or feel all cakey! Not only is it great with any outfit, it has really long wear! I have read that some people don't like the scent, the silverish metallic undertones, and that these undertones don't look the best on paler skin- but hey give it a try! It's at a cheap price, and it's a great natural, everyday wear! :)

Buy this product: Not available anymore on Rimmel's website (see all current shades!), but buy this lipstick at Ulta's website ($6.99), Target's website (prices by certain store in your area), Drugstore's website ($5.24), and Amazon ($7.15)

4. Maybelline New York's Color Whisper in Coral Ambition (#35) Lipstick

I wear this color so much! It is a nice, natural color that I love for everyday use. This lipstick goes on smooth, and adds creaminess. Even with the creaminess, it does show a lot of the creases/cracks in your lips- but I'm guessing that is because it is such a light color. With my lip pigmentation, it looks like a light peachy pink color, so I do wish it was more of an orangey coral. I have read though that in general, it is more of a pink color. This is great for those who are a afraid to try a bright true coral (more orange)! It provides a real soft pink shade that gives a little bit of glossiness.

I added many layers here, so it looks very pink! It really is a light pink peachy color instead of coral. This color is perfect for summer, so I will be wearing this all the time! The color is pretty sheer, so it will take a few coats to get some color, and it doesn't last the longest- but it sure is pretty! :) I like how the packaging is really skinny, so it's perfect for on the go touch ups! It also has a lip balm kind of feel, which is nice and will nourish your lips the more you wear it! ^^

Buy this product: Another discontinued product, so it will be hard to find- but keep checking your drugstores and discount retailers! I have actually found a lot on Ebay and some on Amazon (member sellings), but these sales come and go so I can't really put a link- go check it out! :)

5. L'Oreal Paris' Infallible Never Fail Lipcolour Compact in Cerise (#300) Lip Stain and Conditioning Top Coat

I'm so obsessed with this compact line! I love the packaging of the compact of both lip color and top coat, and the fact that they just slide up- so clever! The compact also acts as a mirror, which is cool and practical! I have a couple of these in different colors, and I love the dark reds. You first apply the lip color, then wait two minutes, and then apply the lip balm top coat to seal the color. I love to layer this for a really dark red color, or put on a light coat for a chic, mauve red matte color. I have two pictures of this product: the first with just the color, and then the second after the top coat was applied.

Because this color is so thick and the small brush makes for easy application, I usually use this for Korean style lip look where I just use the color on the inner parts of my lips and spread it out from there. :) It's so perfect for this look!

After the top coat is applied, it gives a great sheen and spreads the color more while also making it a bit softer. There are some problems with this product though. When you apply the lip color, it becomes very very dry. Even after the top coat, it is still a bit dry and eventually the lipstick begins to flake. :/ I've read that using another lip balm (specifically Vaseline lip balm) instead of the provided lip balm helps to get rid of the dryness. Maybe the two minutes is required, and that might help with the flakiness and peeling, but make sure your lips are open while it is drying..otherwise it will stick! This product lasts so long though, and the lip color is like a lip stain! It's really nice that it stays on for hours and hours, and it doesn't get everywhere!

Buy this product: They have discontinued this line, but you can find a similar line and colors at L'Oreal's website ($12.99), and the actual product can be found at Amazon ($8.45), and Sear's website ($12.56)

6. Maybelline New York's Super Stay 10 Stain Gloss in Cool Coral (#150)

Now time for my favorite product! I have two of these stain glosses in Cool Coral, which is definitely red not coral so I don't know why it's called coral.. lol I guess it could be considered a really dark coral. I love this product so much, and I use it ALL the time! :) It goes on like gloss all shiny and slick, but then it dries quickly to a matte stain that doesn't smear off on everything, and lasts! The color is so rich and vibrant, and even when it dries and has been worn for some time, it gives a natural, cute red stain. I love using this as well for a Korean style lip look like this- it works perfectly to get that gradient, just bitten look!

I applied a lot for the picture, so the linked picture above and here shows more what it is like with a lighter application, and after it dries. :) It's such a beautiful color! I wouldn't say that it has super long staying power- definitely not 10 hours like the product line states and it doesn't hold up well with liquids, but it's really easy to touch up, so I don't mind. The product feels so light and soft on your lips, unlike the cakey, "Hey I'm wearing lipstick" feeling of the Infalliable lip color. It's a great product, especially for a "just bitten" Korean lip look! :)

Buy this product: I think they have updated their line to "Superstay 24 Color", so you can find a similar color to this and more at Ulta's website ($8.99) and Target's website ($7.99), my actual product can be found at Amazon ($4.49)!

Which is your favorite product or color? What is your favorite lip product that you swear by? Have you tried any of my favorites? What would you wear with these lip products? Let me know all your thoughts, comments, opinions, and experiences in the comments section below!

Thanks for reading! *currently listening to "Wild" by 9Muses

xoxo~ Ashley

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Ashley Legel


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