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Vacation Inspiration Pt. 1

My family loves to go on vacations together, and I've been on a few throughout my time at school. But what kind of pictures do you take on trips? Buildings, signs, attractions, monuments, food pics for those foodies, tourist sites..right? Well of course I take those kind of pictures to relive memories, but my camera also gets filled with unusal vacation pictures. I am always on the lookout for fashion and inspiration for my design illustrations, so I end up taking a lot of pictures of wallpapers, floors, carpets, ceilings, furniture, posters, and the like. My mom always makes fun of me, because we will be touring a mansion, and I'll be at the back of the tour group taking closeups of the room's wallpaper! ^.^ I end up with the most random pictures for sure! So I thought I would compile them here, and let my readers take a look at items I found inspirational, pretty, and interesting while on my trips! :)

This is going to be a part series, so this is part 1!

One of my favorite trips was my first time to Europe. I went way back in 2011 through my high school. The French classes were taking a trip to France and England, and I had taken French all throughout high school so I wasn't going to miss this trip for my senior year!

This is before we left, at the airport. I'm not sure what it was for, but it was banners for the airport...and I thought it was pretty! Not much else to say about this one. ^_~

These were beautiful stained glass windows in the Salisbury Church in Salisbury, England. The photo definitely does not do the colors justice!

After touring the church, we were able to walk around Salisbury. It was such a beautiful, old town- actually like a village! This was a gate I came across, and I had to take a picture! So ornate! :)

This was also in the town of Salisbury. The door has a beautiful design, that I would like to incorporate into a design!

I'm not sure how I would use this in a design, but it was just so cute! This was contrasting red doors with a milk delivery sitting in front. I just thought it was so cool, you don't see this in America anymore! ^^

This picture is from London, England. I just thought it was so exquisite- the river, clouds, and beautiful old buildings! It didn't seem real!

I love the detail in Asian design and architecture! This is from Chinatown in London.

I could have spent all day at the wonderful Camedon Market in London! It was filled with unique shops- most of them punk fashion stores! There was so much everywhere from stores to the murals on the buildings!

Here are some cool buildings at the Tower of London. I love the design on the right buildings, and the blue doors!

Next, we went to France! This is a couch in the Chateau de Chambord. I love the two fabrics stripped together! It's so regal!

Yes, I really took a picture of a carving someone did at the Chateau de Chambord! ^.^ I guess it just really stuck out to me. This old castle and here is a flower carving! I'm not I just liked it! :)

This wallpaper was at a French castle, but unfortunately I don't remember which one. It is so beautiful and romantic though! I would love to use a floral design from historic castles!

This picture was taken at another French castle, the Chateau de Chenonceau. This castle had huge gardens that were so elegant! I took this picture of my cousin, who was on the trip with me, because her floral umbrella matched perfectly! I love this picture! :)

Another picture of my cousin in the gardens of the Chateau de Chenonceau. I love the contrast between the bright, floral umbrella, and the dreariness of the rainy day and the old, gray wall. Plus, I love that you can't see her whole face, mysterious! ^_~

One of my absolute favorite pictures I took on this trip! Which, I mean who takes pictures of just candles? LOL This was taken at the cathedral, Notre Dame. The colors are so crazy vibrant and gorgeous!

I was obsessed with this architectual detail at the Mont Saint Michel Abbey in France. I would love to add this to a design!

This was just a time we were being silly on our bus! However, now I'm thinking this could be a cool print! LOL maybe not as goofy, but the idea of mixing photographs and faces...? :)

Some beautiful hydrangeas in France! They are my favorite kind of flowers!

More of the hydrangeas, look at those pretty colors!

Here are some doors at the Versailles Palace in France! This was my favorite part of the trip, this palace is crazy! It's so over the top and ornate! I mean just look at the door designs!

A very regal bedchamber at Versailles Palace. I love the design on the bed canopy and how they have bouquets of feathers on top! :) The colors are gorgeous!

Another bed at Versailles Palace. This room is so romantic, and girly! I love all the florals!

And of course, I had to end this post with a classic, cliche picture one must take while in France! Here is the Eiffel Tower in all its glory! :) At night, the Eiffel Tower will light up in gold and sparkle, it was so beautiful! <3

Thanks for reading!

xoxo~ Ashley

Which inspirational photo from Vacation Inspiration Part 1 was your favorite? Let me know too, if you want to see the rest of my Europe trip! ^0^



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Ashley Legel


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