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Vacation Inspiration Pt. 2

For this Vacation Inspiration, I am taking you to my favorite place on Earth- as a matter of fact, it's the happiest place on Earth! ^0^ Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida!! The very first time I went to WDW park was back in 2005 with my family, and then I had the chance to go again in 2013. The 2013 trip was over my winter break from college, and I was asked by my friend Dahye. She was an English Learning student at my college, like a foreign exchange student, and she really wanted to see Walt Disney World before going back to South Korea, so I went with her! :)

She is back in South Korea now, and I miss her so much- hopefully I can visit her soon! I also miss Walt Disney World lol so hopefully I can go back there soon too! ;) So, this Vacation Inspiration is a combination of two trips, both to Walt Disney World!

This is Cinderella's Castle from 2005..sorry it's quite blurry! I just love the colors! If I remember right, the castle would gradually change colors too! It was so beautiful!

I decided to add this picture of Cinderella's castle from my 2005 trip, because not only is the castle gorgeous, but something about the fireworks against the background of the smoke from the previous fireworks is really cool looking to me! ^^ I don't know, I've always thought smoke was the way it dances and, just me? ^_~

Ignore me sleeping on the hammock lol and look at the beautiful resort hotel houses behind! I love those colors! Most of pictures from Walt Disney World will be color inspiration- they do a wonderful job with attention to detail and enchanting visuals!

Now starts my 2013 trip, where I guess I took a lot more pictures! ^^ Here is Cinderella's castle made to look like it was covered in snow and ice! I can't get over how beautiful and regal this is! Again, most of these will just be color inspiration.

One of the first things we saw at the park was Mickey's Electric Light Parade! The lights at night are amazing, and it makes me want to someday experiment with clothing mixed with neon lights (think Katy Perry's dress)! This is Tink!

Here we have Alice and the Chesire cat's float! I also love that the castle became super colorful during the parade as well! There was so much to look at!

I really like this picture! This is from Prince Charming and the evil stepsister's float I believe, but I love how I captured Cinderella's clock tower right in front of her castle! This also shows the fantastic colors of the castle, I would really like to use this as a color story! An icy, silvery blue with that rich magenta color and royal blue- how perfect!

Here's the man of the hour- Mickey Mouse! This was the back of the float that was a train!

This is the front of that float, with Goofy as the train conductor! :)

Here is the float with Prince Charming, Anastasia, and Drizella. I love that his outfit includes lights! So cool! ^_^

I'm obsessed and inspired by anything with the Disney princesses! I am constantly redesigning them, styling them, and getting inspired by their colors, design, and outfits! These next pictures are portraits of the princesses at Fairytale Hall while we were waiting in line to meet the princess face characters! :) This is Princess Aurora's portrait, basically perfect!

I'm so sad Jasmine's portrait ended up blurry! :( But I loved her outfit! It was different than her movie outfit if you can see. It was like a long dress with pants underneath, and the dress had this like see through top layer that split off half way down the dress! It was really cool to see this new outfit on Jasmine, my favorite princess! :)

Here is Mulan's portrait at Fairytale Hall! They chose to use her matchmaker dress, I'm assuming to have her look more princess like and like a traditional Chinese woman of her time. I love all the colors together in her dress!

Rapunzel's portrait! I love the design of her character and the color scheme of the movie!

Here is the OG princess, Snow White! ^_^ Isn't she adorable?

This is another movie where I'm obsessed with their color scheme! The colors in the portrait of Tiana perfectly showcase the main colors throughout the movie! They are so rich, vibrant, and beautiful!

Here is another outlet for me to use as inspiration from the Disney princesses- the park's face characters! I love to see how they are dressed during different seasons and events! It's really cool to see more variety in the princesses' outfits! This is the Rapunzel face character by the way! :)

Did I mention how obsessed I am with the colors in the movie Tangled? Yeah, they are gorgeous! This is Rapunzel's tower at the Magic Kingdom! You couldn't go visit it or anything, but I saw it from a distance, and it was all lit up and gorgeous! :) I will have to post some movie stills and edits of Tangled sometime, so you can see how beautiful their color scheme is! Think of the "I See The Light" latern scene! Amazing!!

Here is more color inspiration from neon lights! This is an awesome ride at Hollywood Studios that takes you through scenes from iconic movies!

Now onto Epcot! This is one of my favorite places at Walt Disney World, besides the Magic Kingdom's Fantasyland, because you know I love the princesses. ^_~ This is the iconic monument at Epcot, and the detail is amazing! It's so futuristic looking, and this design would be cool to use on like a coat or heavy winter skirt! :) I could do like a 1960s Space Age collection! ;)

Epcot is one of my favorite places because I love other cultures, learning about them, and experiencing them! I just think this is such a neat idea, like you're traveling to all these places through one park! :) This is the Mexico monument from Epcot's World Showcase!

Here is China from Epcot's World Showcase! I love all the expert detail of getting the country's culture right, and the history you can learn here! Architecture is used all the time as inspiration for clothing, and it affects clothing a lot more than you think! I can already see an outfit design from this beautiful building!

Lastly, here is Germany from Epcot's World Showcase! It's so European, and beautiful! :) I really want to visit Germany someday, it's at the top of my list!

There was so much research done for the movie Frozen! So much so, that they actually opened Norway in Epcot's World Showcase, and you can go into traditional Norwegian houses and buildings to view where Disney got their inspiration for different elements! This is a traditional Norwegian outfit that was used as the inspiration for Anna's design! I'm pretty obsessed with rosemaling, it's so intricate and beautiful!

Here is a Snow White face character I met while walking around Epcot! She was so sweet, and she loved my backpack! It was a Star War's ewok backpack, and it looked like I was giving him a piggyback ride! :) But anyways, this is just another Disney princess inspiration! :)

This is a Pocahontas face character we met at Animal Kingdom!

More color inspiration! This was probably one of my favorite moments during my trip! We went to see the Festival of the Lion King show, and it was amazing! Here is a video of the whole show from 2013! :)

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy my pictures, and are inspired! :)

Have you been to a Disney park? What was your favorite part- a ride, show, parade? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

xoxo~ Ashley

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Ashley Legel


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